Saturday, May 24, 2008

Ruby & Emma The Terrible Two

Ruby had a visit from her cousin Emma, Nana and Poppy this week and did she have fun. As soon the car pulled in the driveway Ruby ran out to greet them and gave them all big hugs and kisses she was so happy to see them. Emma and Ruby played really well together and we have definately progressed from parallel playing to full on interacting and playing with other kids. They destroyed my lounge room and that only took about 5 minutes (5 minutes after Emma arrived I mean)!!! Nana and Pop had come up to look after Ruby for us while we attended our local adoption education groups on Thursday and Friday. Emma really wanted to come and play with Ruby so she asked if she could and of course we said yes. Ruby and Emma had half a day at Funbugs play centre on Friday which they loved. Ruby is still not 100% health wise but she struggled through without too many hiccups. The days were spent pretend playing, my baskets became a bus, cars and of course boats. They dressed up and danced around like fairies, they sung and danced and had a ball. While I am sitting here writing this Emma, Nana and Pop have left not long ago and Ruby is fast asleep in her bed recovering I think.

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